
Freelancing Careers are Sooooo Easy....

A freelancing career is easy, right?

If I'm talented enough, people will call me, right?

I've taken all my lessons and went to school and have 15 PhD's, so that makes me an authority, right?


Freelancing is being an entrepreneur. Being a successful entrepreneur is taking a small business and turning it profitable, or even into a multibillion-dollar business (Just ask Dr. Dre).

What do successful small business owners have most of all? 


They work hard and slavishly go after their goal. Nothing stands in the way of their mission in life.

So, how does this begin? It's easy... 

A new portrait or headshot of you is the beginning of your brand. It’s your calling card and the first thing that anyone will see when looking you up. It’s the First Impression, and we all know how important that is.

The rest of the story of a successful business is creative strategy, branding, marketing, and grit!

(I can help you with all those things too, by the way – well, maybe not the grit.)

Contact me to schedule your July 2017 appointment today!
